PPM - Planned Preventive Maintenance

FPS Planned Preventive Maintenance

Whether you are responsible for one building, or a large portfolio of assets, a sound  Planned Preventative Maintenance schedule will provide the backbone of your maintenance requirements.
PPM Services Yorkshire

Avoid Unexpected Surprises and Save Money with a Bespoke PPM Schedule

Keeping on top of  building maintenance can significantly add to your workload. Tasks can easily be missed when you are busy dealing with the day to day running of your business. Unwelcome reactive maintenance bills can soon stack up.

More often than not,  a property is the most valuable asset your organisation owns.

To ensure that commercial property assets hold their value, it is essential to carry out ongoing Planned Preventative Maintenance. Doing so will protect the long-term structural integrity and value of your buildings.

What is PPM?

PPM is a  proactive Program of Preventative Maintenance designed to catch problems before they become expensive issues.

Keeping track of planned building and equipment maintenance schedules can be a huge challenge. A maintenance contract with FPS will take care of all your PPM needs, bringing you complete peace of mind.

Our dedicated technicians are experts in:

The Benefits of Planned Preventative Maintenance

Prevention is always better than cure. Using a well planned PPM schedule to identify and rectify issues before they become a problem is a sensible and cost-effective solution for business. Our PPM schedules are designed to significantly reduce  the need for reactive maintenance, saving you money, stress and inconvenience. 

Further Benefits of PPM:

To find out more about our PPM service, call us today
on 0113 4574752 or drop us a line.

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